Legal Scandals  

Table of Contents.

Victims To The Swedish Nazi Violence.

Database And Placemarks For Victims.
In this section I have compiled a summary of the victims of the Nazi violence. They are presented with name and image. Presently, 144 murder victims are presented in the database. As the research progresses, the database will be updated. My assumption is that they are victims in the war on semen.

Database In Spreadsheet
To get an overview of the violence, I have structured the basic information contained in each individual murder case. I've created a database using a spreadsheet (you can use Excel, Open Office, etc.).

The program allows you to sort the columns. If you have hypotheses about the relationship between the different columns, you can sort these at the same time. Sometimes investigators have not been able to determine exact date of
the murder. Then the day of the murder is indicated by xx. Street addresses are listed without house number. Sometimes it has not been possible to determine how the victim was murdered. If the investigators didn't know which murder weapon had been used, I enter "Unknown". In cases where the victim has been cut up several murder weapons may have been used. Then "cut up" is specified for these cases. In a few cases the victims are still missing. "Missing" is then specified. In some cases, foreign citizens not registered as living permanently in Sweden have been murdered. No address is specified in these cases.
Here you can download the database:

Murder Victims - Database.xls (Excel Format)

Murder Victims - Database.ods (Open Office Format)

Mapping In Google Earth.
Using the Google Earth free app, I show the victim's geographic location. You can
put placemarks in the program. These can be imported into the program by any user. Placemarks have been posted according to the following criteria:

1. The address of the victim's residence . This is the address the victim was registred on, or was permanently resident at the date of the murder. In these cases only the victim's name is written on the placemark. You can compare with the database.

2. Sometimes the victim has been murdered elsewhere than the residence address. In these cases I've entered "victim's name - murder site" on the placemark.

3. In some cases, the victim has been moved from the murder site and then found elsewhere. I've entered  "victim's name - found elsewhere" on the placemark.

In the program's menu you can click on a placemark. Then the current location is displayed. In most cases you can go down to the ground level to review the surroundings.

Here you can download the placemarks: Placemarks - Murder
NOTE! The files are compressed in zip
-format. Before you can use them, you need to unpack them. This can be done using the WinZip software:

I estimate that CIA agent Gina Haspel is responsible for at least 50 of the murders presented in the murder victim database. The CIA employs well-trained professional killers in its operations. So far (in 2020) I have identified three of them on the Swedish market. One of them is TW. He is hired when stabbing is judged to be the best method. I estimate that he carried out 23 stabbings. Thus, he is one of the worst mass murderers that has ever existed in Sweden. It is, of course, a shame that Sweden, which considers itself a solid state governed by the rule of law, lets this madness pass.

"The Semen Bank".

Victims - Photos: