Legal Scandals  

Table of Contents.

New World Order

U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower ended his tenure by giving a speech in January, 1961. He then warned of "unwarranted influence" by the military-industrial complex. This was surely a way to alert his successor John F Kennedy. It was later proven that the warning had relevance.

Eisenhower warns us of the military-industrial complex:   (2:36 min)

In the U.S. the military organization walks hand in hand with the corporations that supplies munitions. Together they form the military-industrial complex. Millions of people work in the companies producing munitions. They are mostly privately owned. If the United States engage in warfare around the world, there will be an increased need for munitions. It provides jobs for the people within the war material industry. The gains for the companies will increase. Their private owners increase their fortunes. The owners are expected to share their earnings by giving contributions to the Democrat's or the Republican's party funds - depending on which party currently in power. The absence of contributions reduces the companies abilities to get the lucrative contracts. As an example of the values ​​that are traded can be mentioned that the U.S. helicopter manufacturer Bell delivered about 3 000 helicopters during the Vietnam War. One can say that the various players had a win-win situation. The more wars the better. Or am I wrong? After all, someone is going to pay for the warfare. If I'm not completely misinformed this "someone" is the American taxpayer. You have to convince him, every day, that the nation needs a well-equipped army. "We must never relax when it comes to terrorism and Communism", is the message to the taxpayers.

Kennedy demonstrated almost immediately, after taking office, that he wouldn't provide any power-sharing with the military-industrial complex. The U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia at that time was modestly. Kennedy had nevertheless soon announced that the troops in Vietnam would be withdrawn. Already here, he had made powerful enemies within the complex.

It would become worse. In 1959 Fidel Castro had taken over in Cuba. He proclaimed a Communist dictatorship. The U.S. suddenly had Communism around the corner - just 93 miles away from Florida's southern coast. Castro cleaned up in the capital, Havana. The town was a popular hangout for American millionaires. Prostitution, drugs and gambling was big business. Castro closed down these businesses without compensating the owners, the Mafia, primarily localized to Miami and New Orleans. The Mafia was determined that Castro would be removed in one way or another. They had hopes of making common cause with the newly appointed president, Kennedy, who disliked the Communist dictatorship.

In 1961 the CIA and the Mafia managed to gather about 1500 Cuban exiles. These were trained under the supervision of the CIA in Florida. The plan was that the troops would invade Cuba by sea, while the U.S. Air Force would provide support by bombing. They had assigned a strip of land, the Bay of Pigs, on Cuba's southern coast, as a suitable place for landing. On the night of April the14th the attack began. The CIA promised Air Force support came largely to be missing. The exile Cuban troops were therefore an easy prey to the numerical superior Cuban troops. After three days the battle was over. About 100 exile Cubans had fallen. The remaining 1400 were taken prisoner. These were dissolved later by the U.S. and released from captivity. They sent baby food and medicines to Cuba for a value equivalent to $ 53 million. The anger within the CIA and the Mafia was great after this fiasco. They felt that they had been betrayed by Kennedy because the Air Force support failed to turn up.

On 22nd of November 1963 Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. The official version, though the so-called Warren Commission, was that Kennedy had been assassinated by a lone madman. His name was Lee Harvey Oswald. He was never prosecuted because he was shot to death 48 hours after his arrest.

Lee Harvey Oswald is shot by the criminal nightclub owner Jack Ruby. Note that there are people behind Oswald. It is likely that Ruby was equipped with a revolver that had a weak charge. The shot would not penetrate Oswald and then hit others. Oswald didn´t die from the shot. He was murdered in the ambulance or in the hospital. The Police Officer who stands to the left of Oswald has a bright suit to mark that he is not a target.

        Lee Harvey Oswald                     Prince Gustaf Adolf
          (1939 - 1963)                                     (1906 - 1947)                     

        Lee Harvey Oswald                      Prince Gustaf Adolf
               (1939 - 1963)                                     (1906 - 1947)        

                Jack Ruby          
             (1911 - 1967)

The assassination was carried out when Kennedy came in his motorcade through downtown Dallas. When they arrived at Dealey Plaza shots echoed. Hundreds of people witnessed the murder. A number of amateur film-makers and amateur photographers have documented the murder. When you watch their films and photographs, you realize that the conspirators wanted to design the murder as a demonstration of power. The whole event was additionally theatrically designed. The whole world could take part of the awful, terrifying and incomprehensible. More about the assassination of John F. Kennedy under the section Political Murders In The U.S.

The term New World Order (NWO) has existed for at least 60 years. Under this concept there are loosely linked networks. The private investigators have designated certain so-called Masonic lodges as supporters of the NWO. The individual members can be high representatives in the military, police, politics, business and public administration. The secrecy surrounding the Masonic lodges is ample. The private investigators believe that the people who conspired against John F. Kennedy, at the highest level, were / are supporters of the NWO. Common to the NWO supporters is that they think democracy is a bad idea. On the organizational level, their ideas have been derived from the Italian mafia. The NWO family is governed by a dictatorial head, or "Don" which is the Italian term. Since many of these have considerable wealth, they want to have a greater influence over what is happening on the world economic level. There is a lot of information online about NWO. Some very good but also things that I consider to be nonsense. Some present the new world order with complete organization diagrams as well as the numbers and names of the people who will be part of the upcoming world government. Fiction or reality? Judge for yourself.

NWO has created a religious image about the network. The purpose is to appear as a peaceful and righteous organization. Another objective is to achieve acceptance within the CIA. In order to get entry into the CIA, two requirements must be met:

Belief in market economy
f in Christianity

The CIA is an important partner
to the NWO. The CIA was formed shortly after the end of World War 2. Already before the end of the war, many Nazis had moved from the decaying Germany. Hot areas for these were the US and South America. The US intelligence service was aware of the expertise that existed within the Nazis' intelligence service. These refugee intelligence officers were qualified war criminals. The US administration nevertheless chose to whitewash them. Subsequently they were assigned to the intelligence service. Particularly desirable were those who knew about the spying in the Soviet Union. These war criminals came to participate when the CIA was formed in 1947. This is the main reason for the Nazi and Fascist culture found within the CIA today. NOTE! The CIA is a divided organization. I have no evidence to accuse the entire organization for Nazism and Fascism.

NWO works closely with Jehovah's Witnesses. The reason is that the sect in its ideological view
s is close to Nazism and Fascism (totalitarian systems). Authorial leadership is one of the cornerstones.
Elitism another. NWO uses Jehovah's Witnesses for their criminal purposes. In my investigations, I have found that the common members of Jehovah's Witnesses seem to be oblivious to the use of the sect in this way.

Elitism - A Hidden Social Problem.
In terms of definition, elitism means that a group of people consider themselves to be above others in some respect. It may be the issue of characteristics that they have developed that make them prominent in their professional areas. It may be about music, sports, arts, literature, politics, etc. There is an inner circle around this elite who knows how it really relates to these successes.

At the end of the 1700's, the first attempts were made within artificial fertilization. Animals like horses, sheep and pigs were inseminated. The trials were successful. Around 1880, the technology had evolved and the first inseminations were made on humans. Jehovah's Witnesses were as an interested at that time. They could then see the first results. Some of the most infamous offspring are Joseph Stalin (1878 - 1953) and Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945). I have studied photo material from the leaders around Hitler and found that many of them were the results of inseminations. A number of researchers have found that many leading Nazis suffered from mental illness. Because of these circumstances, I think that Jehovah's has a big guilt in the outbreak of World War 2.




Hermann Göring married the Swedish woman Carin von Kantzow in 1923. They lived for a period in Stockholm. Göring was developing a morphine addiction. He became violent. Between 2nd of September and 7th of October 1925, Göring was admitted to Långbro Hospital in Stockholm because of his addiction. During 1926 and 1927, Göring was in periods of time admitted to Långbro.

All offenders in the attack against Norrskensflamman, 1940, were the result of inseminations. In the verdict of the Magistrates' Court against the Police Chief Ebbe Hallberg, February 3, 1941, he was declared insane.

In the 30's, Sixten had established himself as one of Jehovah's most important donors. Through studies of photo material I have found that many stars in areas such as music and sports have been his offspring. His last donations took place in 1964. The same year, Jehovah had appointed me as the one who would take over from Sixten. I relate the assassination attempt at Sixten in Majorca, 1965, to his role as a semen donor.

In the early 70's, Jehovah's could see the results of my donations (= theft of semen). The customers appeared to be satisfied and the demand increased. This was positive to Jehovah's, but negative to me. You could say that there has been a war around my DNA since the 70's. I have been subjected to many assassination attempts over the years. The intended murder has been designed as an "accident" or a "disease". This is the price I had to pay for Jehovah's theft of semen. There is no conscientious objection within Jehovah's. The setting is that "the show must go on" – to any costs. I have examined a large number of murder cases in the past ten years. My assumption is that many of the victims have been involved in Jehovah's semen handling.

There is legislation in Sweden about artificial fertilization. Maximum number of children allowed per donor is six. Corresponding legislation exists in all Western European countries and the United States. The legislator's thought, through this limitation, is to prevent the spread of possible genetic defects on a larger scale. Jehovah's has violated this legislation in all the countries I reviewed. In the background of this management are followers of the NWO.

The main purpose of this blog is to expose NWO's criminal activities. If this can happen, the first step is to take a settlement. Many of those who participate in the system are completely unaware of the risks they are taking. The insemination business conducted under NWO's protection must be conducted in a criminal way in order to be profitable. Theft of semen is the first step in the production chain. Young women participate for payment. The men who are exposed may end up in unwanted paternity because of thefts of semen. I know of cases where the man has been adamant that he has not had sexual intercourse with a certain woman, but has nevertheless been sentenced to paternity following DNA tests. These men become rightless because of the thefts. When NWO finds a man who can act as an alpha male, no legislation is taken into account regarding the maximum allowable child per donor. When you pass the law in this way you expose those who participate to great risks. Here I have found that NWO completely ignores the sacrifices required in the war on semen. The customers, i.e. the inseminated women believe that they are inseminated under legal forms and that it is done under confidentiality. That's what they pay for. The truth is that the combatants in the war on semen have full control over the opponent's actions. Not a single insemination is classified. In principle, I am not opposed to insemination activities as long as it is conducted under legal forms. I have no motives whatsoever for participating in the war on semen. My hope is that this blog will act as an alarm clock for those who participate. I have noted that many political leaders around the world are the result of inseminations. They feel a loyalty to the system because they are part of it. However, I believe that these politicians represent their voters best if they do not participate in criminal insemination activities. Too many have lost their lives as they participate.

I have found the following in Wikipedia (swe):

Lebensborn was a human breeding program in Nazi Germany to improve the Aryan race to create the Aryan elite that would lead the world's new masters. The Lebensborn program was cherished by Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler. He felt that it would secure Germany's and German's future as world-rulers. The project was to encourage German men to spread their superior genes and to enlist young Aryan women in the opportunity to give birth to their children in secret. The children were then separated, if the mothers so desired, from their mothers and were placed either in special Lebensborn clinics or were adopted by Aryan families, preferably to SS men. The program was essentially built on the following pillars:

1. That one had to save the "Nordic race" from a downfall that otherwise would inevitably be due to defects in newborns.

2. Collection of all so-called Germanic people in a "kingdom" as a stage in the creation of a Nazi empire.

3. The value of a population was considered to be measured in its amount of people, as well as the "racial superiority" of the soldiers and the soldier mothers. Therefore, the birth rate would be increased and the children would be guaranteed "pure-bred Aryan origin".

Most Lebensborn clinics were in Norway. About 8000 Norwegian women gave birth during World War 2. After the war, these children would in derogation be called "German-kids".

YouTube video:

The kidnapping campaign of Nazi Germany | DW Documentary 

The racism is originated from the eliteism. During the World War 2, the Nazis regarded some peoples as unworthy (untermensch). Extermination of Jews and Romans are the most notorious examples. The truth is that most of us are a mix of several races. There are researchers who used DNA technology to determine the origin of certain populations. They have come to the most amazing results. Conclusion: Racism is idiotism.

Nazi concentration camps and extermination camps.
From time to time, the NWO tries to spread misinformation about the Holocaust. Notorius people in right-wing extremist groups are allowed to appear in the media. Some of them have claimed that the Holocaust is a hoax. It has never existed. These absurd statements are, of course, difficult to hear for those who had relatives who were murdered in the concentration camps and the extermination camps. Personally, I believe that there is convincing evidence that the Holocaust has existed. I have made a compilation showing the concentration camps and extermination camps used by the Nazis. Feel free to review this information. Here you will find it:

Nazi concentration camps and extermination camps.

Jehovah´s Insemination System.
The purpose of the inseminations is to produce individuals who are as viable as possible. The role model is the breeding of animals, for example horses. In the animal breed, a certain inbreeding is considered to be the prerequisite for a successful result. This means that a relationship must exist between the animals that are crossed. So-called alpha males are used in animal breeding. These are particularly viable specimens whose semen is used in inseminating the females. In reproduction of humans inbreeding is considered to be somewhat negative. This means, as an example, that cousins are advised not to reproduce.

In my research I have found the following alpha males:

King Oscar II (b. 1829 - d. 1907)
His approximate period of time for donations was 1847 - 1880.

King Gustaf V (b. 1858 - d. 1950)
His approximate period of time for donations was 1876 - 1902.

Theodore Roosevelt (b. 1858- d. 1919)
His approximate period of time for donations was 1876 - 1919.

King George V of the United Kingdom (b. 1865 - d. 1936)
His approximate period of time for donations was 1883 - 1910.

Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia (b. 1868 - d. 1918).
His approximate period of time for donations was 1886 - 1910.

King Gustaf VI Adolf (b. 1882 - d. 1973)
His approximate period of time for donations was 1900 - 1930.

Louis Mountbatten (b. 1900 - d. ????)
His approximate period of time for donations was 1925 - 1970

Prince Gustaf Adolf (b. 1906 - d. 1947)
His period of time for donations was 1924 - 1947.

Sigvard Bernadotte (b. 1907 - d. 2002)
His approximate  period of time for donations was 1925 - 1964.

Sixten Westerlund (b. 1913 - d. 2002)
His period of time for donations was 1931 - 1964.

Friedrich Josias of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (b. 1918 - d. 1998)
His approximate  period of time for donations was 1936 - 1962.

Prince Philip, Duke of Edingburgh (b. 1921 - d. 2021).
His approximate  period of time for donations was 1940 - 1980.

Per Westerlund.
I have never volunteered. I have been subjected to theft of semen starting in 1964.

There have always been competing alpha males to the persons above. Both Sixten and I have been subjected to many attempted murders over the years. In the spring of 2021, I have identified the alpha male JI. His donations started around 1961. They are large. Jehovah's has falsely portrayed me as a donor in his place.

Grigori Rasputin - Jehovah's Giant Hoax.

            Grigori Rasputin
(1869 – 1916)

Grigori Rasputin was born and raised in the village of Pokrovskoye, Tyumen Oblast, Siberia. His parents, Efim Rasputin and Anna Rasputina (b. Parshukova) were farmers.

             Efim Rasputin                           Anna Rasputina
              (1841 - 1916)                            
(ca 1840 – 1906)

Rasputin had no higher formal education. He has been described by historians as a talented person. Rasputin had a religious interest. He participated in a number of sects during his youth. By the beginning of the 20th century, he had formed his own sect. He became known in Siberia as a "holy man". Local church leaders provided Rasputin with a letter of recommendation that would open the doors to leading religious figures in St. Petersburg.  In 1903 he visited St. Petersburg. Through the religious leaders he came in contact with the aristocracy. There was a great interest in occultism in these circles in the early 20th century. Rasputin succeeded in establishing an interest in his ideas within occultism. Through the aristocracy, he was later introduced to the Tsarist family.

Rasputin together with Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna and her children.
shot in 1908.

Alexandra Feodorovna
             (1872 – 1918)

I have reviewed the photographic material available on the Internet to investigate, if possible, Rasputin's role in the Tsarist family.

          Tsar Nicholas I                                  Efim Rasputin
(1796 – 1855)

Tsar Nicholas I was the biological father of Efim Rasputin.

           Anna Rasputina                               
Grigori Rasputin

Anna Rasputina was not Grigori Rasputin's biological mother.

In the photo above, Efim Rasputin and a "woman" not
presented by name pose.

              The "Woman"                                Grigori Rasputin                            Efim Rasputin

My assumption is that the "Woman" is Grigori Rasputin's biological mother. She has been inseminated from Efim Rasputin. The woman was probably a good friend of the Rasputin family.

         Tsar Nicholas II                             Olga Nikolavena                              Grigori Rasputin
            (1868 – 1918)                                 
(1895 – 1918)

         Tsar Nicholas II                               Tatiana Nikolavena                             Grigori Rasputin
          (1868 – 1918)                                      
(1897 – 1918)

           Tsar Nicholas II                               Maria Nikolaevna                          Grigori Rasputin
              (1868 – 1918)                                   
(1899 - 1918)

           Tsar Nicholas II                            Anastasia Nikolaevna                     Grigori Rasputin
               (1868 – 1918)                                    (1901 – 1918)

             Tsar Nicholas II                            Alexei Nikolaevich                        Grigori Rasputin
              (1868 – 1918)                                 
(1904 - 1918)

In the above comparison between Tsar Nicholas II, Rasputin and the Tsar's children, I judge that Tsar Nicholas II is the biological father of all children. Alexandra Feodorovna is not the biological mother of the children. I have identified three prominent violinists as mothers of the children.

World War I led to an economic downturn in Russia. The feudal society was moving towards dissolution. By in 1916, the aristocracy had had enough of Rasputin. It was considered that he had an undue influence on Alexandra Feodorovna. A number of people associated with the aristocracy decided to assassinate Rasputin.

1914-07-28: World War I starts. Russia was part of the so-called The Entente, a coalition of Britain, France and Russia.
1916-12-30: Rasputin is murdered.
1917-03-08: The Russian revolution starts.
1918-07-17: The tsar and his family are murdered.
1918-11-11: The First World War ends.
1923-06-16: The Russian revolution is complete.

Jehovah's wicked spirit is still hovering over Rasputin to this day. My view is that Jehovah's sought power within the Tsarist family through Rasputin. It completely failed. Rumors surrounding Rasputin may also have been aimed at placing him as a stand-in for one or more alpha males in Russia. I have not found any evidence that Jehovah's used Rasputin as an alpha male - neither in Russia nor in other European countries.

Grigori Rasputin:

YouTube video:
Boney M - Rasputin

Homosexuality in Jehovah's insemination system.
First of all, it should be said that I have no preconceived notions (homophobia) regarding homosexuals. Homosexuality was criminalized in Sweden until 1934. The penal provision was then removed. I perceive that Sweden today has a tolerant attitude. Human rights also apply to homosexuals. The homosexuality found in Jehovah's insemination system can be traced to the alpha males. Jehovah has tried to portray me as homosexual. The purpose has been to make me fit into the system in a natural way but becomes grossly false. I'm not gay, have never been and never will be.

Exchange - Jehovah's Cash Machine.
In the year 2020, I have identified insemination services that are special and that are marketed by Jehovah's to the economic elite. Those requesting the services may be artists, politicians, business leaders, etc.. I have chosen to name the services "Exchange".

A = the woman
B = the man
C = the child
D = biological mother of the child C
W = Per Westerlund

Scenario 1:
A and B are a couple who wants a child
, C. W is the biological father of A and B. They are thus half-siblings and know they cannot reproduce in this relationship. W should be the biological father of the desired child. It is Jehovah's job to find suitable candidates who can work in the role of D. D must of course be approved by A and B. Then D is inseminated from W. If they want a child to hold a high class, the price for D's services can be high. During D's pregnancy, A fakes a pregnancy by stuffing textiles in front of her stomach. She can then be photographed in any type of public environment. Some paparazzi photographer "happens" to see her and takes a picture that exposes her stomach. It is later published in the appropriate media. In connection with C's birth, A "disappears" for a few days. Later A shows up with the newborn baby.

Scenario 2:
A and B are a couple who wants a child
, C. They are not related in any way. W is the biological father of A. A wants W to be the biological father of C. A is inseminated from a man whose semen may have been stolen. It could also be a man who donated voluntarily. At the same time, D is inseminated from W. When pregnancies are determined for A and D, A informs her partner, B, that she is pregnant. The births for A and D are coordinated. They are in the same hospital. When the births are completed, A's child is exchanged for D's. A's child is sold on to another couple who wants a child. They pay Jehovah's for this service which reduces the total cost for A.

Scenario 3:
A and B are a couple who wants a child
, C. W is the biological father of A and B. The desired child should have W as the biological father. They have an agreement that A should be inseminated from a man proposed by Jehovah's. At the same time, D should be inseminated from W. Here I have found a number of cases where W's semen has been replaced with B's. A was initially unaware of this but discovered the fraud after some time.

The above types of human trafficking are lucrative for Jehovah's. It is, of course, a
issue of serious crime. The couples who enter into this type of business take great risks. I have examined about 30 cases where A, B or C was murdered. The victims are never reported as murdered. They have died in an "accident", or in a "decease", or committed "suicide". The crimes have often been marked according to the standard that the CIA uses. It has been easy to establish that there was murder in these cases.

The children born according to the model "Exchange" sooner or later become aware of their origin. They then ask themselves why they have been subjected to this type of elitism. If they then do not accept elitism as a societal idea, their origin becomes a burden for life.

I have no criminal record. NWO has tried to portray me as a serious criminal. I have been compromised for a number of murders, such as the Palme Murder. It is crazy by the NWO/Jehovah's to think that I would like to participate in criminal activities of the type I described above. Jehovah's representatives who provide the services are gravely criminal persons. Every now and then, one of them is murdered. To put an end to this madness, I propose that initiatives should be taken by the law enforcement authorities to ensure compliance with the legislation on insemination of human beings. The key to control lies in the DNA technology.
I am proposing new legislation which means that any of the parties A, B and C has an obligation to take DNA tests if any of the parties so request. The appropriate authority is appointed to administer the procedure. The refusal to appear for a test shall be subject to sentencing. In the section Per Westerlund I describe how I was exposed to Exchange in my relationship with my ex-wife. I believe that I am illegally registered as the father of two children, FW and TW. I have requested Solna Tingsrätt and Svea Hovrätt to revoke that paternity. The corrupt courts have ruled to my detriment. It is crazy by the NWO/Jehovah's to think that I would like to participate as a semen donor after this injustice.

YouTube Video:
Muse - Plug In Baby

In this blog I present many operations that are part of the war on semen. Thousands of victims have been claimed. The CIA is responsible. It is quite clear that the CIA is a terrorist organization. In the CIA section, I mention William Blum as one of the authors who revealed the CIA's activities. There are a number of other writers and journalists who have drawn the same conclusions as Blum. What is strange is that the CIA's operations have been able to continue decades after decades without the US political establishment reacting. To this, one can conclude that the CIA is beyond political control. NWO uses the CIA as an umbrella organization for global terrorist activities. Key positions have been infiltrated in many countries. In the judiciary, it is mainly judges and prosecutors who have been corrupt. By violence and threat of violence, the positions are forced. In many operations, advanced military blasting technology has been used. This indicates that the military organizations have been infiltrated. This is especially true for countries that are members of NATO. There is reason to believe that many of the leading people included in the NWO suffer from mental illness. These are exclusively right-wing extremists with backgrounds within Fascism and Nazism. They are related as they are the results of inseminations. They constitute a kind of criminal brotherhood. I propose that supporters of the free democratic society organize a counter-offensive aimed at incapacitate these maniacs.

The perpetrators have .........
- been well organized.
- demonstrated high technical skills, especially in the field of blasting technology.
- designed the crimes in a spectacular manner.
- been able to influence media's reporting about the events.
- inserted antisemitic elements in the operations.
- posted traces at the crime scene to associate with the group who performed the crime.

NWO's retreat.
The US presidential election in 2020 is over. The democratic forces in the country have won. This is a severe setback for right-wing extremism in the United States. At the same time, the united democratic forces around the world have been able to state that support for Fascism and Nazism does not pose an imminent threat to world peace. The maniacs within the NWO have declared that they will not give up. They have seen that lies and slander lead nowhere. They have nothing new in the toolbox. They have to dream back to the 1930s when right-wing extremism had its heyday. The problem for the NWO is that Fascism and Nazism today are stone-dead ideologies. There is no content that is useful in today's complicated society. The people within the NWO who are ideological representatives live in severe delusions. My view is that this is a manifestation of mental illness. This in turn can be traced to Jehovah's criminal insemination system

False Flag Operations
According to the American private investigators there is an ongoing process in the U.S. that aims to disarm the American people. Under the Constitution, every American has the right to own a firearm. Currently there is no political majority for
a change of this right. Private investigators believe that the massacres, where lone madmen are portrayed as perpetrators, and occurred in the U.S. in recent years, are intended to get voters (and thus politicians ) on second thought. If enough mass shootings occur it can veer the public opinion as to establish a political majority for a constitutional change which would implicate severely limits in the right to own a firearm.

A "massacre" which has gained great publicity in the U.S is the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. It occurred
on December 14, 2012. According to initial reports the lone madman Adam Lanza had shot and killed an entire school class consisting of children at elementary school level. The American private investigators have scrutinized this event. They have found that all of it was a hoax. Here you find a video that presents the event:

Sandy Hook - The Truth (Controversial Documentary)

On September 11, 2001 attacks were made on the Pentagon (Washington) and the World Trade Center (New York). The U.S. government has designated terrorists linked to al-Qaeda as responsible. The truth has been proven to be on another level. The new term that the private investigators have established is False Flag Operations. The conspirators method here is to get terrorist attacks to look like something different from what they actually are.

On September 11, 2001, the Pentagon (Washington) and the World Trade Center (New York) were attacked. The US government has identified terrorists linked to al-Qaida as responsible. The truth has turned out to be on another level.

World Trade Center, New York. V-marked.

Remotely controlled military planes hit the World Trade Center.

On January 7, 2015 the French paper
Charlie Hebdo, Paris, was attacked. Twelve people, including two police officers, were reported killed. The action was a well planned False Flag operation. A particularly spectacular feature is the video showing how the "terrorist" shoots a police officer in his head when he's lying on the ground. When examining this video you will find that no traces of blood are present. Another detail that I found strange is that the "terrorist" at the end of the sequence picks up a running shoe before she gets into the car. One can see that the “terrorist” is a woman (FW) because of the mincing steps she takes just before she picks up the shoe. (Video mp4, 52 sec.)

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The opposition regarding NWO and False Flag is increasing worldwide. Corrupt media groups (main stream media) exposes constantly False Flag as the truth. This should be weighed against the millions of bloggers around the world who reveal the mendacious and the insanity. False Flag further delays the solution of the "eternal" conflict between Israel and Palestine.