Legal Scandals  

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Mass Murder In Falun, Sweden, 1994

Mattias Flink



The killings in Falun on 1994-06-11 are part of the criminal semen trade. Those who try to "pump" money on their own are usually punished hard. When the Nazis hit, they do it hard and ruthlessly. They can't withstand any competing activities in the area. The deeds are designed in a deterrent manner. Mattias Flink hasn't shot one single person in Falun. On the other hand, he has had his fingers in the jam jar. Summary: Seven young people lost their lives. Second Lieutenant Mattias Flink got an abrupt end to his career plus 20 years in prison. This is the price these people had to pay for the semen demands of the Fascist and Nazi elite.

I have read the preliminary investigation. As usual when it comes to this kind of operations, the Nazis have put the usual signs. In literary terms, it is sometimes said that an image tells more than a thousand words. I therefore let a single picture, or rather a drawing, speak its clear language: 

The victim's placement in Stadsparken (preliminary investigation p. 144).

Here you can download the preliminary investigation (all in Swedish):

Flink_FUP_del_1.pdf     (4,7 MB)
     (9,3 MB)

Flink_FUP_del_3.pdf     (6,6 MB)
Flink_FUP_del_4.pdf     (5,5 MB)
Flink_FUP_del_5.pdf     (4,4 MB)


YouTube video: Lady Gaga - Perfect Illusion.