Legal Scandals

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Collateral Murder In Baghdad, 2007.

During the ongoing war in Iraq in July 2007, the US Army carried out airstrikes from Apache helicopters in Baghdad. One of these attacks got worldwide attention thanks to Ms. Chelsea Manning. She was assigned as an intelligence analyst for the US Army in 2009. She had access to classified databases. The attack  was documented on a video. Manning leaked this video to WikiLeaks who thereafter distributed to media around the world. The video reveals a terrible offence against human rights. At least 12 people were killed on the ground, among them two war correspondents working for Reuters, Saeed Chmagh and Namir Noor-Eldeen.

            Saeed Chmagh                          Saddam Hussein                          Namir Noor-Eldeen
               (1967 - 2007)                                (1937 - 2006)                                 (1984 - 2007)

          Saddam Hussein                         William J. Donovan
           (1937 - 2006)                                  (1883 - 1959)

Here you can download the video:
Collateral murder - Chelsea Manning Leaked Video Clip      (50 MB)