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Airplane Crash In Ängelholm, Sweden, 1964

Linjeflyg Convair 440 Metropolitan

On November 20
in 1964, at 7:46 pm, Linjeflyg's flight LF267V from Bromma Airport in Stockholm started. 39 passengers and 4 in the crew were on board. The destination was Halmstad Airport. During the flight, passengers were told that the plane would go directly to Ängelholm Airport because fog prevailed in Halmstad. The weather in Ängelholm was rainy and the ground visibility varied between 1.5 and 2 kilometers. The cloud base was at only 60 meters. The airport in Ängelholm is a military airport. In 1964, it lacked instrument landing systems. However, there were two radio beacons . Along with Halmstad, the crew was told that the visibility was sufficient for landing in Ängelholm.

Ängelholm Airport. V-marked. Coordinates:  56°17'27.69"N   12°51'18.76"E

In order to facilitate navigation to the runway, a guiding light had been installed in the extension of the runway's center line. It was
 located 2250 meters west of the runway's

The strobeacon consisted of a light
ramp where 9 headlights was mounted
in a tower.
  56°18'42.75"N 12°49'7.37"E

Here is a printout of the communication between the air traffic controller in Ängelholm and the aircraft:

Linjeflyg: Yes we will come the fastest way to you anyway. The lights light up runway 14 - or?
Tower: Yes they are clear and I have already lit an extra light, which ... which is a few hundred meters closer to the end of the runway than the inner lighthouse Johan does, which ... which you will be able to see there.
Linjeflyg: Yes it is appreciated. We pass over Halmstad 05 and we are now at 2,000 feet towards Lima Johan
Linjeflyg: It was Lima Johan.
It was out, huh?
No, it was coming in.
Tower: Yes, then I light up completely here.
Linjeflyg: Yes.
I have the radio beacons here as well and that light it is a high intensity lonely light, which is exactly in the extension of the track and it is about two and a half kilometers before the runway's end.
Linjeflyg: Two and a half, yes.
Tower: The view is two kilometers.
Linjeflyg: Yes.
Tower: If you want to count to three we will see.
Linjeflyg: Yes, one, two, three.
Tower:.You are slightly left.
Linjeflyg: Yes, now we see one of the lights, yes.
Tower: Yes it is exactly in the extension. A little ... a small left correction just so you see the runway straight ahead.

Shortly thereafter, the plane crashes. 31 were killed and 12 survived.

I have examined this "accident" more closely on the assumption that it is part of the war on semen.

In the fall of 1964, Jehovah's had decided to test me as a new alpha male and possible successor to Sixten. I had been subjected to theft of semen on several occasions. The response from the CIA's Nazis did not wait. I have found many details in this operation that are directed at me. In essence, I believe that the "accident" happened as follows:

1. The plane has broken through the cloud cover and the pilots could see the strobeacon. The landing lights at the airport have not been lit. The pilots believe they see the landing lights at the airport. They go down to land. Shortly thereafter, they see that they are about to crash into the ground. They start a right turn to get the plane up. Full throttle.
2. They crash with the overhead lines of the railway.
3. They crash to the ground.
4. The plane slides about 200 meters before it stops at the property Vejbystrandsvägen 200, Vejby.
Coordinates: 56°18'25.95"N  12°48'57.04"E

Overview. The plane slid past the house on Vejbystrandsvägen 200, Vejby.
Father and son Ström lived in the house. They hurried over to the plane to
help with the rescue work.

The crashed plane. Those who survived sat at the front and at the back.

An accident commission has investigated the "accident". They have stated the following:

"The reason for the accident was in all likelihood that the crew, when approached under instrumental weather conditions, surrendered the established approach and prematurely applied landing. The reason for this must have been that the crew was deceived by a lighting device belonging to the airport. with which the crew, apart from some information obtained during the approach, was probably unknown."

The printout of the radio traffic is authentic. The distance indications for the strobeacon are correct. Note that Ängelholm is a military airport. That's why the CIA chose it for this operation. It has been planned for a long time. Fog is common on the current coastal route during the fall. It was just waiting for the right weather report. There were witnesses who were near Ängelholm Airport at the "accident". They have said that the landing lights were off. Pilots who have landed at the airport have said that the light from the strobeacon was confusingly alike the light from the runway.

A memorial stone has been erected at the crash site. It is located near
Vejbystrandsvägen 200.

           Bertil Håkansson                        Prince Gustaf Adolf                          
              Flight Captain                               (1906 -1947)

              Jan Skagestad                       Prince Gustaf Adolf
            Pilot                                     (1906 - 1947)

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Anderheim, Sven Allan Boris
Björkallén 10

Back, Kaj Eve Bertil
Laröd 49:105

Bakker, Dirk Jan
Birkagatan 5

Bengtsson, Gösta Tore Edvin
Sperlingsgatan 11

Bergenheim, Sture Anders Teodor

Berger, Carl Magnus
Magnus Stenbocks väg 29

Bjarnelöf, Uno Harald Lennart
Fredsgatan 19

Blandford, Sven Gunnar
Nyhamnshus 6:1,

Blom, Gustaf Adolf Mikael
Stationsgatan 15

Bååth, Hans Ove
St. Pedersgata 15

Carlsson, Einar Valfrid
Trönninge 18:1

Ehrenlund, Stig Olof
Strandgatan 22

Fjellman, Karl Oskar
Lilla Båstad 1:1
Västra Karup

Fredholm, Carl Richard
Stålgatan 40

Göthe, Sven Lennart Hugo
Klövergatan 8

Hoffman, Per Oskar
Rådhustorget 9

Håkansson, Henning Bertil  (Flight Captain)
Stålringen 24

Karlsson, Eva Ottiliana
Kopparmöllegatan 15 C

Killberg, Sven-Axel
Storgatan 56 A

Laurin, Ester Anita
Rindögatan 18

Lindberg, Ernst Axel Olof
Tylösand 2:174

Lindberg f. Petersson, Binnie Margareta
Tylösand 2:174

Lundqvist, Karl Bertil
Tågagatan 27 A

Månsson, Nils Kristian
Hvitfeldtsgatan 35

Månsson f. Norman, Svea Cecilia
Hvitfeldtsgatan 38

Rosendahl, Bengt Olof
Nåsvägen 4

Skagestad, Jan Reinhardt   (Pilot)
Ankdammsg. 21, 5 Tr, Målaren 2

Norström f. Sköld, Monika Maria
Ljungaskog 13:13

Sunesson, Carl Harry Claes Ivar
Hildesborg 18:1

Svensson, Otto Bertil Georg
Spånstad 1:87

Weibull, Harry Valter Gunnar
Strandvägen 11